Sunday, October 21, 2007


Amsterdam. What can I say? Had a great time. One night. A long night. Our hotel, not so good. We wanted to stay out all night so that all we had to do is sleep there. That was pretty easy to do. There was so much going on all night in Amsterdam. All we needed to do for fun was walk around and take in the downtown neighborhood. We strolled through the infamous Red Light district, checked out a cafe, walked along some canals, got lost and enjoyed every minute trying to find our way back to our hotel. We came upon some really neat corners like Sint Olofsteeg. It is the oldest part of the Red Light district and the area where they first started building Amsterdam, I was told. There is an intersection of canals there and there happened to be a boat drifting down the canal. The tall flat rowhouses sitting right in the canals looked pretty surreal to me and the lights from the street and windows of the rowhouses created an eerie mood especially when I noticed some of the windows shining red.
Everyone has a bike. I'm sure of it. I have never seen so many bikes in my life. I did notice it was pretty flat place so I can see how bike riding caught on so much. People were really friendly too. People would ride past you on their bike, look at you with your map and a confused face, and stop, turn around and come back to see if they could help you. That happened twice to us.
We spent too little time in Amsterdam. I would like to go back.

Sint Olofsteeg.

1 comment:

The Nuzz said...

Hi, Meb. These really give a good idea of how clean the area is. Even the red light district looks neat!!! All the bicycles remind me of the candy cane Christmas paper!! LOL The Nuzz


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