So our last day in London was spent at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Soho, Leicester Square, Primark, and the out to Dalston Junction to see a favorite band of ours, Caribou at Bardens Boudoir. Apparently the Tube strike ended the morning of our second day but the Underground officials did not have the ability to notify all the workers so the Tube wasn't up and running fully until we left. We still pressed on and found out how to get to the V&A by bus and Primark as well. (BTW, Primark is this really cheap store that is about a city block long and a city block deep, it's like a fashionable Target without the electronics, bath, snackbar, and kitchen departments) We had great time but again we were racing around. We took off in the morning, 8:30am or 9:00, to the V&A, great museum, free, so that made awesome before we even went inside. They have a great variety of art from the across the ages, if you get a chance to go check out their History, Periods and Styles gallery. When we left the museum we noticed that one or maybe more sides, we didn't check, looked as if they had been bombarded with some kind of weapon fire. I never found out what happened but I imaginged it was from WWII. Next we headed over to Leicester Square, we did an ok job finding it, but ended up getting off the bus in Soho, Leicester Square was not far though. While in Soho, we checked out a small photo gallery and saw some kind of weird wall art, it made my skin crawl. Our main purpose in going to Leicester Square was to find Primark, because that's were we could get turquoise skinny jeans, but alas Primark is actually on Oxford St. which isn't near Leicester Square at all. No worries though we found or way to Primark and got some nice pants. Later we headed back to the hotel, ate near by, rested up and headed back out to Dalston Junction to see Caribou. We got to meet Dan Snaith, front man for the band and shot some photos of him and headed back home, a great end to our time in London.

Side of the Victoria and Albert Museum. Looks like weapon fire, right?

Leicester Square. These show girl looking women were dressed for an event with the World Series of Poker.

Soho. The eyeball is an actual hole in the wall.

When exiting the Tube on our first time using it, there were no ads around. Weird. The Tube is usually bombarded with ads.

Caribou plays Bardens Boudoir.

Mr. Daniel Snaith, Caribou's main man.
The morning we left we spent inside Victoria Station. When we got to the there the Evening Standard headlines hit us with the sad news that Pavorrotti had died. It's sad to loose someone whose plight was to bring art to the masses. One hopes there will be someone to pick up where he left off. Unfortunately that morning, I was nursing a wicked hang over and Richard was running around to find a decent breakfast, kind of a wild goose chase if you have ever tried to find something good and quick to eat in London. We eventually settled on McDonald's breakfast sandwiches and then headed off to the train that would take us back to Gatwick Airport and head over to Amsterdam. By the way, if you are travelling through London and need to get somewhere fast by plane, DON'T FLY OUT OF GATWICK!!! I don't know what those people are doing at that airport but whatever it is they are doing they are doing it v e r y s l o w l y . Fly out of Heathrow.

Good Bye Pavarotti.
London's Gatwick Airport has a water theme going. At first I didn't get it, but now that I think about it, Britannia est insula. (Britain is an island) (that was for my sisters)

paena insula britania est. Oh bagoobis, Latin I in full effect! Thanks Mrs. Turner! LOLL!!!
Love our pics Mebby!
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